Hawai`i Trains History

Historic Kauai track gauges spanned from the 18" mine train which built the water tunnels (GF also built a truck tunnel to Koloa), to the 2 foot gauge Kilauea Sugar Plantation Company (first railroad on the island), the islands dominate 30" gauge trackage systems and the short lived standard gauge line building the Nawiliwili breakwater.
In 1930, when George Norton Wilcox (GN) connected his Grove Farm rail operations with Koloa Mill trackage near Knudsen Gap, track connections were made from western Kekaha to eastern Anahola covering the populated half of the island.


How did King David Kalakaua feel about Trains in Hawaii?
. . . Allowed a railroad to be built on Big Island
What did he do in 1883?
... went for a ride in the 1882 Ransom & Rapier first class car (there was only one) the passenger cars became known as "KALAKAUA Cars"
When was Hawaii's first Baldwin Locomotive made, what was its name when it went into service?
The KALAKAUA was built in 1879 and arrived in 1880. Renamed the Leslie.
. . . Princess Liliuokalani
The year was 1881, where was the spike driven?
...Kilauea Sugar Plantation's 2 foot gauge tracks (09-24-1881).

Name the historic "First in the Kingdom" railroad events that happened on Kauai?
1899 Eleele Plantation Hawaii's first Electric Locomotive (BLW), August Dreier's 4 mi. railroad. Locomotive had 2- 500 volt DC, 25 Hp motors, rated to haul 10 - 3.5 ton cars up a 4.5% grade!
1920 Territory of Hawaii GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY- Mana payroll $11,000, Kaimiola Hali, a fisherman, who spoke and wrote Hawaiian/English, found guilty in the second degree with a strong recommendation to clemency. Served four years in jail, Hali later became a guard at Iolani Palace on Oahu as well as a Territorial Sheriff.
1921 Hawaii's first Standard Gauge (4'8.5" gauge)Davenport steam locomotive, 0-4-0T, used to build Nawiliwili breakwater, hauling rock on about~2 mi. track. USA funds project requiring rail connection of plantations; GN & GF Co. holds $200K construction Bond.
1928 Kekaha Sugar - Hawaii's first Diesel Locomotive put into service on KAUAI! 12 ton PLYMOTH, 77 H.P. @ 650 R.P.M. 4 speed transmission (F/R) chain drive to wheels.

What "End of the line" Railroad events happened on Kauai?
1957 78 YR. RUN OF HAWAIIAN STEAM POWERED SUGARCANE TRAINS END, Grove Farm's 'WAINIHA' hauls last load of sugar cane to Lihue Plantation sugar mill, September 24th. Elisio Antonio, Grove Farm's Last Engineer, Hawaii's Last Steam Cane Train Engineer!
1959 Fall, KAUAI'S LAST SUGAR CANE TRAIN was hauled by diesel locomotive at Lihue, railroad was sold off, with two engines sent to Cuba, believed still surviving today and never paid for... GE 30 ton center cab diesels, let's go get them back!

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