Kauai Modelers

Kauai's Modelers Do it with style:

Lopaka's Kauai inspired Layout shouts his credo, "You gotta use your imagination Man !" This Hawaiian wasn't about to model the mainland, which is a real challenge with what is marketed. This is his first real attempt at modeling, although he wanted to do it from "little kid time". Under doctors orders "to take it easy", one look at his great layout tells you Lopaka just don't do things that way. After traveling the world he's back home and modeling the place he loves ...Hawaii.

Lopaka's Models - flash slideshow

Another first timer:

Look here, a Lovely Ladies Little Layout,
who's first try at modeling is worthy of a Look !

Yes, she has two scales working a forced perspective effect ! . . . (N & Z gauge track)

Beachrail Layout 2011

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